What is PQQ Used for

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Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in promoting overall health and well-being. Known for pqq because powerful antioxidant properties, it helps protect cells about oxidative stress and supports mitochondrial function, it is crucial for body energy production. Due to PQQ has stimulating new mitochondria and neurons function. So it can support brain health.

It also promotes better sleep, supports immune function, and it may contribute to healthy aging. As an essential nutrient, incorporating PQQ-rich foods or supplements into your diet can be beneficial for maintaining optimal health and vitality.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone is a vital nutrient that humans cannot synthesize on their own, but is essential for physiological activities. PQQ supports energy production by enhancing mitochondrial function and offers strong antioxidant protection. It plays a key role in brain health, heart function, and cellular protection. Since the body cannot produce PQQ, it must be obtained through diet or supplements to support optimal health.

What Foods Are High in PQQ

Pyrroloquinoline quinone is a compound found in a variety of foods, particularly those of plant origin. It is known for its antioxidant properties and its role in supporting mitochondrial function, which has led to interest in its potential health benefits. Here are some foods that are high in PQQ:


PQQ Content (µg per 100g)





Green peppers








Tofu (fermented)








Green tea




Cocoa powder


Dark chocolate (70%+)






Egg yolk




These values give an idea of PQQ content across different food sources, with fermented soy products like natto being particularly rich in PQQ. We can consume more of these foods to supplement pqq in our daily life.

What is PQQ Used for

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is gaining recognition for its powerful anti-aging properties, particularly due to its role in promoting mitochondrial health and reducing oxidative stress. CHEN LANG BIO In-depth study PQQ, and our factory can provide high quality product. About pyrroloquinoline quinone, we know it very well. Mitochondria provide energy to cells, through our research as we age older, mitochondrial function is reduced, leading to the cell decreased energy levels and cell damage.

PQQ works by stimulating the production of new mitochondria, a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis, which helps counteract the natural decline associated with aging.So as to delay the effect of aging.

Additionally, PQQ is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, reducing oxidative damage to cells and tissues. Oxidative stress is one of the main factors contributing to aging and age-related diseases, reducing the damage of free radicals is of great significance for delaying aging. 

By protecting cells from this damage, PQQ helps preserve cellular function and vitality over time. PQQ has also been linked to improved cognitive performance and memory retention, making it particularly beneficial for maintaining brain health as we age.

In summary, PQQ’s ability to boost mitochondrial function, reduce oxidative stress, and support brain health makes it a promising nutrient in the fight against aging, helping to maintain energy levels, protect cells, and promote overall vitality throughout life.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is emerging as a potent anti-inflammatory compound, offering significant health benefits by reducing inflammation at the cellular level.

About inflammation, It is Importment for the body's defense mechanisms, can become chronic and contribute to various age-related diseases such as cardiovascular conditions, arthritis, and neurodegenerative disorders.

PQQ works by regulating key inflammatory pathways, helping to balance the body’s inflammatory response. One of the ways PQQ reduces inflammation is through its strong antioxidant properties. 

It neutralizes free radicals, which are unstable molecules that cause oxidative stress and trigger inflammatory reactions in the body. It causes a lot of damage to the body. 

By reducing oxidative stress, PQQ helps lower the levels of pro-inflammatory markers, minimizing the impact of inflammation on tissues and organs. It causes a lot of damage to the body.

Additionally, PQQ influences the activity of certain proteins and enzymes that regulate inflammation, such as NF-kB, a key player in the body's inflammatory process. 

By inhibiting the activation of these inflammatory pathways, PQQ helps protect cells from damage and promotes a healthier immune response.

Research has also shown that PQQ can reduce inflammation in the brain, offering potential neuroprotective benefits. By the CHEN LANG BIO TECH research and development, we will do my best to do it. 

This makes it particularly valuable for preventing or managing neurodegenerative conditions linked to chronic inflammation, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In conclusion, PQQ’s ability to combat oxidative stress and regulate inflammatory pathways makes it a valuable nutrient for reducing inflammation and protecting the body from chronic inflammatory diseases.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) has been shown to offer protective benefits for the liver, making it an important nutrient for supporting liver health and function. It's an important umbrella for the liver. After many tests of CHEN LANG BIO, the importance of PQQ to the liver has been confirmed.

The liver is a critical role in detoxifying harmful substances on our body, about metabolizing nutrients, and maintaining overall metabolic health and so on. 

However, Drink, smoke, poor diet, , and, Them can lead to liver damage and conditions like fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis.

But PQQ helps combat these issues by promoting liver health through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

PQQ is a potent antioxidant ,it can reduces oxidative stress, a major contributor to liver damage.

By neutralizing free radicals, PQQ protects liver cells from oxidative damage that can lead to cell death and inflammation. This protection helps prevent liver conditions linked to oxidative stress, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcohol-induced liver injury. Chronic inflammation in the liver can lead to scarring (fibrosis) and, in severe cases, cirrhosis. PQQ helps suppress inflammatory markers, reducing the risk of long-term liver damage. XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH have Laboratories and factories, with strict testing institutions, product quality has a good guarantee, and we have advanced production lines, production time and quality have a good guarantee.

Moreover, PQQ promotes mitochondrial health, which is essential for the liver’s high energy demand during detoxification and metabolism. By enhancing mitochondrial function, PQQ supports the liver's ability to process and eliminate toxins more efficiently. PQQ is a valuable nutrient for maintaining liver health and preventing liver-related diseases.

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