How Do You Take Peptide Powder

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Peptides do not have any dependence. They only improve the sub-health of the human body and adjust the body's functions to the best state.

XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH CO., LTD was established in August 2007 and is located in XI’an City, Shaan Xi Province. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating functional food research and development, production, sales, and service.

The market will cover diversified business sectors such as food raw materials, pharmaceutical raw materials, health products, special medical and special diet products, etc. The company provides overall solutions such as raw powder, ODM, OEM, and brand agency to the world. As a powerful enterprise focusing on small peptide research, such as oyster peptide, sea buckthorn peptide,momordica peptidethe and so on. Company has core competitiveness in the peptide industry and the general health industry.

But what are peptides exactly? And how do you use peptides to experience their benefits? Let’s learn more things now...

How Do You Take Peptide Powder

What Are Peptides Powder?

Peptides are short chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. These molecules play crucial roles in various biological functions within the body. Peptide powders refer to a form of these peptides that are processed into a powdered substance for various applications, including research, pharmaceuticals, and sometimes even in the fitness and wellness industries.

How to Use Peptides?

What is the optimal water temperature for peptides?

The peptide can withstand high temperatures of 120°C and its performance remains stable. The optimal absorption temperature of the human body is 45°C. There are no strict requirements for peptides. It is recommended to drink it with warm water around 65°C. Of course, you can also brew it and drink it according to your own habits.

Peptides do not contain calcium, why should we supplement calcium?

Peptides are calcium-free. The site of calcium ion absorption is in the small intestine. In the small intestine, peptides can capture calcium ions from the surrounding environment, form a complex with calcium ions, and be absorbed into cells together to promote the absorption of calcium ions. In theory, it can also promote other nutrients.

What is the difference between peptides and vitamins and minerals on the market? Can they be taken together?

Peptides, vitamins and minerals on the market belong to the same category of seven essential nutrients for the human body, but peptides are small molecule fragments of protein.

How Do You Take Peptide Powder

Peptides have the function of improving intestinal absorption. When taken together, they can also promote vitamins and minerals are absorbed and utilized in the human gastrointestinal tract, so when supplementing calcium, you should also take it with peptides to double the effect.

Can peptides really help you lose weight? Can it cure cancer? Is it clinical?

Peptides have the effect of promoting fat metabolism and energy metabolism, commonly known as "burning fat". After ingestion, it can promote the activation of sympathetic nerves, induce the activation of brown fat function, promote the activity of basal metabolism, and promote energy metabolism.After ingesting peptides, it can hinder the absorption of fat and effectively reduce body fat while maintaining bone mass. Therefore, peptides can lose weight, promote muscle growth, and accelerate muscle fatigue.

How Do You Take Peptide Powder

How to identify the quality of peptides?

Small molecule peptides can be completely dissolved in water and have stable performance. Proteins are not soluble in water but are suspended in water and appear milky white. Ordinary consumers can distinguish peptides from proteins through dissolution experiments. Also look at the ingredients of the peptide product. The purer it is, the more peptide content it contains, and the smaller the molecular weight, the better the effect.

What are the details and key points of authoritative testing?

Details and key points include: molecular weight, amino acid type and content, pesticide residues, hormones, heavy metal residues, etc.

What is the difference between small molecule peptides and injectable peptides?

Injectable peptides are purified single types of peptides with high purity, extracted chemically, and have extremely high unit prices. It can be used in emergencies. Small molecule peptides are extracted from various naturally occurring plants and animals. The extraction method adopts the leading dual-protease bioenzyme directional enzymatic digestion technology and does not contain any additives. It blends well with the body and is absorbed very well.

How Do You Take Peptide Powder

Does it have a curative effect or a stabilizing effect on gout patients and diabetic patients?

While peptides improve the body's immunity by providing nutrients, they can also inhibit and wither tumor cells and repair damaged cells in the body, thus stabilizing the condition.

Are peptides health products? Can it cure diseases? Can it replace medicine?

Peptide is not a health product, but it shows results that go beyond the effects of health products. Peptides are small molecules that are scavengers, repairmen, and porters. Peptides can provide nutrients and capabilities to cells, and can repair, activate, and promote normal cell work and metabolism. Peptides are not medicines, nor can they replace them, but sometimes they can solve problems that cannot be solved by medicines. They can enhance one's own immunity, cure diseases before they occur, and change the sub-health state of the human body.

Are there dependencies on active peptides? Does it need to be taken for a long time?

Active peptides do not have any dependence. They only improve the sub-health of the human body and adjust the body's functions to the best state. Peptides can improve the body's physical condition. After taking them, the immunity of the weak will be enhanced and the gastrointestinal absorption function will be improved. As a health care function, the dosage can be reduced or taken again after a period of time. However, if the seasons change and epidemics occur frequently, it is essential for those with weak health to take preventive medicine.

Please send inquiry to if you want to buy oyster peptide.