How Should We Supplement Pyrroloquinoline Quinone PQQ And How to Choose PQQ Supplier

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What is PQQ

PQQ, whose scientific name is pyrroloquinoline quinone, is called the fourteenth vitamin by the world's medical community. PQQ is an oxidoreductase prosthetic group with the chemical formula C14H6N2O8. The molecular structure of PQQ is extremely complex. Due to its unique biological activity, it has become a hot topic in the fields of modern medicine and nutrition. Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a compound found and it is widely found in nature, including many animals, plants and microorganismsIn addition, it is also found in some common foods, such as beans, fungus, broccoli, grapefruit, etc. For different purposes and uses, PQQ can be mass-produced through different production methods and used as industrial raw materials and nutritional health products.

How Should We Supplement Pyrroloquinoline Quinone PQQ And How to Choose PQQ Supplier

It has also been found that various daily foods, including vegetables, fruits and beverages, contain varying amounts of PQQ, among which fermented soybeans (natto) have the highest PQQ content.

The content of parsley and green peppers in vegetables, kiwi and papaya in fruits, green tea and oolong tea in drinks, and tofu that people often eat are all about 30ng/g. American researchers tested and found that the PQQ content in human milk was as high as 140~180ng/ml. In addition, PQQ has also been detected in foods such as eggs and skimmed milk.

Is PQQ Worth Eating?

As a nutritional dietary supplement, PQQ can improve mitochondrial function, enhance immunity, and its strong antioxidant effect can delay the aging of the body. PQQ is a vitamin-like compound that plays an important role in maintaining human health.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Function

Antioxidant activity: PQQ is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize reactive oxygen species and protect cells from oxidative stress damage. This may help reduce inflammation, cell damage and aging caused by oxidative stress.

Energy metabolism: PQQ participates in the biosynthesis and energy production process of cell mitochondria. By promoting mitochondrial function and increasing the efficiency of glucose metabolism, PQQ may help increase energy levels and improve physical performance.

Cognitive Function: Some research suggests that PQQ may have positive effects on memory and cognitive function. It is thought to help promote neuroprotection, neurodifferentiation and synapse formation, reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

How Should We Supplement Pyrroloquinoline Quinone PQQ And How to Choose PQQ Supplier

Cardiovascular health: PQQ’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may be beneficial for cardiovascular health. It may help reduce heart disease risk factors caused by oxidative stress and support heart health by improving circulation and lowering inflammation levels.

PQQ can promote the proliferation and connection of neurons, help improve learning and memory abilities and promote the recovery of neurological functions. In addition, PQQ helps regulate the body's nervous system, reducing anxiety and stress. It may reduce stress, shorten recovery time, and promote the release of growth factors.

According to research, PQQ can also promote mitochondrial health, thereby delaying the aging process.

For sub-healthy people, reducing fatigue and anxiety is a very important improvement measure that can improve their quality of life and work efficiency.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone PQQ can delay aging. As age increases, the number and function of mitochondria will gradually decrease, leading to aging of the body. PQQ can promote the formation and repair of mitochondria, thereby delaying the aging process of the body.

How Should We Supplement Pyrroloquinoline Quinone PQQ And How to Choose PQQ Supplier

In short, PQQ is a very important functional nutrient that can protect the body's health, prevent the occurrence of various diseases, and improve the body's immunity and quality of life. Although the body can synthesize small amounts of PQQ on its own, its benefits may be maximized by consuming more PQQ through food or nutritional supplements.

How to Choose PQQ

Manufacturer’s credibility

Choose a reputable manufacturer. Understand the manufacturer’s history and credibility, look for proof of sale and labels, and purchase products with recognized certification labels when possible.


PQQ supplements should be of high purity and free of other additives and impurities. The purity of PQQ supplements should also be stated on the packaging.


Learn what dosage to use with PQQ supplements to ensure safety and maximum benefits. Some supplements may contain multiple doses and should be used as recommended on the package insert. It has been scientifically certified that 20-40mg per day can meet the human body's needs.


Currently, there are three common ones on the market: biological fermentation, biological enzyme catalysis, and chemical synthesis. Fermentation methods are difficult to meet mass production, and chemical synthesis contains many impurities and has side effects on the human body.

Raw Materials/Certifications

XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH CO., LTD PQQ uses natural high-quality raw materials and uses biological enzyme catalytic technology to achieve high purity, high activity, resistance to gastric acid and fast absorption. It is produced through advanced technology, has no additives and side effects, and is safe and guaranteed. It usually takes 3-7 days for you to notice the symptoms.

Is CoQ10 the Same As PQQ?

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) and PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) are two distinct compounds with different functions and roles in the body, although they are both involved in energy metabolism.

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance found in every cell of the body. It plays a key role in producing energy and acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from damage caused by harmful molecules. CoQ10 is often used as a dietary supplement to support heart health, improve energy levels, and boost overall wellness.

On the other hand, PQQ is a relatively newly discovered compound that also plays a role in cellular energy production. Like CoQ10, it acts as an antioxidant, but it has some unique properties and functions. PQQ has been studied for its potential benefits in promoting cognitive function, supporting cardiovascular health, and enhancing mitochondrial function. Therefore, it can assist in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease) and cognitive decline.

Additionally, some studies suggest that taking PQQ and CoQ10 together may enhance their effectiveness, particularly in their protective effects on the heart and brain. Therefore, it is recommended that people who need nutritional supplements should choose appropriate products under the guidance of a specialist or pharmacist to improve the effect of health care treatment.

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