What Does Bakuchiol Do For Your Skin

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Bakuchiol: Natural Retinol

Psoralea corylifolia Linn. is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Psoralea of the Leguminosae family, native to China. Bakuchiol has a variety of pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-aging, diabetes treatment, and estrogen-like effects.

The wide range of beneficial skin properties is also what makes bakuchiol so popular. Its excellent safety and stability in photolysis and hydrolysis provide a guarantee for gentle addition.

DNA microarrays revealed very similar gene expression profiles for both compounds, indicating functional similarities between bakuchiol and retinol. Demonstrating the potential of bakuchiol.

Bakuchiol Benefits


Bakuchiol effectively slows down the skin aging process by protecting skin collagen. Studies have shown that both bakuchiol and retinol can promote the synthesis of type I, type III and type IV collagen. However, under the action of bakuchiol, the amount produced is more abundant than retinol.


Bakuchiol VS Retinol

A double-blind randomized test comparing bakuchiol 0.5% to retinol 0.5%. The study results showed that both bakuchiol and retinol significantly reduced wrinkle surface area and pigmentation, but there was no statistical difference. Retinol users report more facial skin flaking and tingling.

Bakuchiol is comparable to retinol in improving photoaging and is better tolerated than retinol.


Excessive free radical production will accelerate the oxidation reaction of the skin and cause collagen to lose vitality. Antioxidation is a key process in fighting free radicals.

Bakuchiol is a stronger fat-soluble antioxidant than vitamin E. Studies have shown that it can inhibit lipid peroxidation caused by NADH, CCl4, etc. In addition, bakuchiol can inhibit free radicals generated in various oxidative damages, including DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-trinitrophenylhydrazine free radical), Cl3CO2, LOO- and OH-, etc.


Bakuchiol inhibits the activity of tyrosinase related to melanin production and slows down the transport process of melanin, thereby reducing the synthesis of melanin in the epidermis and making the skin brighter.

How Does Bakuchiol Help Acne

Bakuchiol And Acne

Anti-inflammatory properties: Bakuchiol has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in studies. Acne is often associated with inflammation in the skin, and reducing inflammation can help alleviate symptoms and prevent further breakouts.

Antibacterial activity: Some research suggests that Bakuchiol may have antibacterial properties, particularly against Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for acne development. By targeting acne-causing bacteria, Bakuchiol may help reduce the occurrence and severity of acne lesions.

Antioxidant effects: Bakuchiol is known to possess antioxidant properties, which can help protect the skin from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. By neutralizing free radicals, Bakuchiol may support overall skin health and contribute to the prevention of acne formation.

Regulation of sebum production: Excessive sebum production is a contributing factor to acne development. Some research suggests that Bakuchiol may help regulate sebum production in the skin, leading to a reduction in oily skin and preventing clogged pores, which are precursors to acne.

Improvement of skin texture: It has been shown to stimulate collagen production and increase cell turnover in the skin. This can lead to smoother, more even skin texture and may help improve the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation associated with acne.

Bakuchiol Side Effects

The forms in which bakuchiol is added to products and possible associated side effects are demonstrated in the latest study. It is still necessary to pay attention to individual differences and differences in product formulas when using it. It is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before use. If you have any discomfort or concerns, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Applied Research

Bakuchiol’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, whitening and anti-aging biological activities are increasingly used in cosmetics at home and abroad. And three products have been registered with the National Medical Products Administration.

According to the filing information, bakuchiol can be used in cosmetics as a skin protectant, skin texture regulator, moisturizer, and antioxidant. The maximum allowable concentration is 2%, and the recommended dosage is 0.1~2%.

How To Use Bakuchiol

Skin Test: Before using a new skin care product containing bakuchiol, it is recommended to conduct a small area skin test to ensure there is no allergic or irritant reaction;

Choose the right products: When buying skin care products, choose a reputable brand with clearly labeled ingredients. Make sure the product contains the right amount of bakuchiol and other appropriate ingredients;

Daily sun protection: Bakuchiol can protect against free radical damage to the skin, but for complete skin protection, it is still recommended to use sunscreen products containing SPF during the day;

Pay attention to the shelf life: Check the shelf life of your skin care products regularly to make sure the bakuchiol product you are using is fresh and effective for best results;

Pair with other products: If you use other skin care products at the same time, pay attention to the appropriate combination to avoid possible ingredient interactions, especially when it comes to ingredients that are sensitive to skin;

Maintain a stable environment: Avoid exposing products to extreme temperatures or sunlight to prevent degradation of ingredients. Store in a cool, dry place and follow product storage recommendations;

Seek professional advice: If you have skin concerns or special circumstances, it is recommended to seek advice from a professional dermatologist or skin care specialist for a personalized skin care regimen.

Where To Buy Bakuchiol

XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH CO., LTD supply bakuchiol with different package such as 100g, 500g and 1Kg, please send inquiry to Email: extract@chenlangbio.com to get more information and discounts.