China Bulk Allantoin Powder

China Bulk Allantoin Powder

XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH CO., LTD has been producing plant extracts, functional cosmetic raw materials, and nutritional supplements for more than 15 years. High-quality products, safe and stable supply have enabled us to become a global raw material supplier.

Product Description

Introducing our superior quality "China Bulk Allantoin Powder", the perfect solution for your manufacturing needs. Our allantoin powder is carefully crafted, using pure natural ingredients, to deliver exceptional results. With its remarkable features, this product is widely used in various applications. It functions as an effective moisturizer, promoting skin healing and regeneration. The advantages of our allantoin powder include its ability to soothe irritation, reduce redness, and improve overall skin texture. Choose our product to experience the ultimate benefits and elevate your manufacturing process to new heights.

Product Features

  • Extracted without expansion: Our China Bulk Allantoin Powder is extracted from its core without any expansion, ensuring the purity and effectiveness of the product.
  • High-quality powder: The allantoin powder is of premium quality, meeting the highest standards in the industry.
  • Multiple applications: Our allantoin powder can be used in various industries, such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and skincare products.
  • Enhances skin health: The powder's unique properties help in improving skin texture, promoting cell regeneration, and providing moisturizing effects.
  • Reliable source: Sourced directly from China, our bulk allantoin powder is guaranteed to be authentic and reliable.

Application of allantoin powder

  • Used as an effective healing agent for wounds, cuts, and burns.
  • Helps in soothing irritated skin, reducing redness, and inflammation.
  • Promotes cell regeneration and accelerates the healing process.
  • Moisturizes skin, keeping it soft, smooth, and hydrated.
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores.
  • Reduces itchiness and irritation caused by dry skin conditions.
  • Enhances the effectiveness of skincare products when used as an ingredient.
  • Suitable for various cosmetic and personal care formulations.
  • Safe and widely used in the beauty industry.


Our company excels in the plant extracts and cosmetic raw materials industry, evident through the numerous industry certificates we have acquired over the years. These certifications serve as a testament to our highly competitive products, showcasing our expertise, commitment to quality, and adherence to industry standards. We take pride in our ability to consistently deliver top-notch plant extracts and cosmetic raw materials that meet the ever-evolving needs of our clients. With our extensive range of certified products, we offer a distinct advantage over competitors, providing our customers with superior solutions and ensuring their success in the market.

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