Does Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine Alpha-GPC Have Side Effects

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Is Alpha GPC a supplement that can enhance memory, learning ability, etc

When it comes to improving memory and learning, recent research suggests Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine Alpha-GPC may be very beneficial. This is because Alpha-GPC transports choline to the brain, stimulating an important neurotransmitter that promotes cognitive health.

Research shows alpha GPC is one of the best nootropic brain supplements on the market. It is a brain-boosting molecule that has been shown to be safe and well tolerated by older patients looking to improve symptoms of dementia, as well as young athletes looking to improve their physical endurance and strength.

Similar to the brain-boosting effects of phosphatidylserine, a-GPC may serve as a natural treatment for Alzheimer's disease and may slow age-related cognitive decline。

What Is Alpha-GPC

Alpha GPC or alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine is a molecule that serves as a source of choline. It is a fatty acid found in soy lecithin and other plants and is used in cognitive health supplements and to build muscle strength.

Alpha GPC, also known as choline alfoscerate, is valued for its ability to transport choline to the brain and help the body produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for many of choline’s health benefits. Acetylcholine is associated with learning and memory, and it is one of the most important neurotransmitters for muscle contraction.

Unlike choline bitartrate, another popular choline supplement on the market, A-GPC is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is why it has promising effects on the brain and why it is used to treat dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

What Are The Benefits Of Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine

Improve Memory Impairment

Alpha GPC is used to improve memory, learning and thinking skills. It does this by increasing acetylcholine in the brain, a chemical that plays an important role in memory and learning functions. The researchers noted that alpha GPC has the potential to improve cognitive symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

In 2003, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in Clinical Therapeutics evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of alpha GPC in treating cognitive impairments caused by mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

Patients were administered 400 mg of alpha-GPC capsules or placebo capsules three times daily for a duration of 180 days. All patients were assessed at the beginning of the trial, after 90 days of treatment, and at the end of the 180-day trial period.

In the alpha GPC group, all assessment parameters, including the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale for cognition and behavior and the Mini-Mental State Examination, showed continuous improvement at both 90 and 180 days of treatment. In contrast, these parameters remained unchanged or worsened in the placebo group.

The researchers concluded that alpha-GPC is clinically beneficial and well-tolerated in treating cognitive symptoms of dementia and holds potential as a natural therapy for Alzheimer's disease.

Enhancing Learning and Focus

While there is ample research supporting the benefits of alpha GPC for patients with cognitive impairments, what about its efficacy for those without dementia? Studies suggest that alpha GPC can also improve attention, memory, and learning abilities in young, healthy adults.

A cohort study involving participants without dementia published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a correlation between higher choline intake and better cognitive performance. The cognitive domains assessed included verbal memory, visual memory, language learning, and executive function.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that when young individuals supplemented with alpha GPC, it was beneficial for certain physical and mental performance tasks. Compared to those receiving 200 mg of caffeine, individuals receiving 400 mg of alpha-GPC performed 18% faster in a continuous subtraction test. Additionally, the group consuming caffeine scored significantly higher in terms of neural excitability compared to the alpha GPC group.

Enhancing Athletic Performance

Research supports the ergogenic properties of alpha GPC. For this reason, athletes are becoming increasingly interested in a-GPC due to its potential to improve endurance, power output, and muscle strength. It is well-known that supplementing with alpha-GPC can help boost stamina, promote the development of lean muscle mass, and shorten recovery time post-exercise.

Studies indicate that α-GPC can increase human growth hormone levels, which play a role in cell regeneration, growth, and maintaining healthy human tissue. Growth hormone is renowned for its ability to enhance physical capabilities and athletic performance.

Numerous studies have evaluated the efficacy of alpha GPC on physical endurance and strength. A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study involving seven men with resistance training experience in 2008 demonstrated that a-GPC does indeed affect growth hormone levels. Participants in the experimental group were administered 600 mg of α-GPC 90 minutes before resistance exercise.

Researchers found that, compared to baseline, peak growth hormone levels increased 44-fold after using alpha GPC, while they increased 2.6-fold after using the placebo. The use of a-GPC also boosted physical strength, with peak bench press force increasing by 14% compared to the placebo.

In addition to increasing muscle strength and physical endurance, growth hormone can also promote weight loss, strengthen bones, improve mood, and enhance sleep quality.

Improving Stroke Recovery

Early research suggests that alpha GPC may be beneficial for patients who have experienced a stroke or transient ischemic attack (referred to as "mini-stroke"). This is attributed to alpha GPC's ability to act as a neuroprotective agent and support neuroplasticity through nerve growth factor receptors.

In a study conducted in 1994, Italian researchers found that alpha GPC could improve cognitive recovery in patients with acute stroke or mini-strokes. After a stroke, patients received intravenous injections of 1,000 mg of alpha GPC for 28 days, followed by oral administration of 400 mg three times daily for the next 5 months.

Researchers reported that at the end of the trial, 71% of patients showed no signs of cognitive decline or forgetfulness. Additionally, patient scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination significantly improved. Apart from these findings, the percentage of adverse events after using alpha GPC was low, confirming its excellent tolerability.

Potential Benefits for Epilepsy Patients

A 2017 animal study published in Brain Research aimed to evaluate the effects of alpha GPC treatment on cognitive impairments following epileptic seizures. Researchers found that when rats were administered a-GPC three weeks after induced epileptic seizures, the compound improved cognitive function and increased neurogenesis, which refers to the growth of neural tissue.

This study suggests that alpha GPC may be beneficial for patients with epilepsy, as it has neuroprotective effects and has the potential to improve cognitive impairments and neuronal damage caused by epilepsy.

Alpha GPC And Choline

Choline is an essential micronutrient required for many body processes, especially brain function. It is required for the proper functioning of the key neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which acts as an anti-aging neurotransmitter and helps our nerves communicate.

Although the body makes small amounts of choline on its own, we must obtain the nutrient from food. Some foods high in choline include beef liver, salmon, chickpeas, eggs, and chicken breasts.

However, some reports suggest that choline from food sources is not properly absorbed by the body, which is why some people suffer from choline deficiency.This is because choline is partially processed in the liver, and people with liver impairment will not be able to absorb it.

This is where alpha GPC supplements come into play. Some experts recommend using choline supplements, such as a-GPC, to enhance brain function and aid memory retention. alpha GPC and CDP choline are thought to be the most beneficial to the body because they are very similar to the way choline occurs naturally in food.

Like choline that is naturally absorbed from the food we eat, alpha GPC is known for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier when ingested, helping the body convert choline into the all-important neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Alpha GPC is a potent form of choline. A 1,000 mg dose of a-GPC is equivalent to approximately 400 mg of dietary choline. Or, in other words, alpha GPC is about 40% choline by weight.

Where to Buy Alpha GPC and How To Use It

In the United States, alpha GPC is available as an oral dietary supplement. Alpha GPC supplements are easy to find online or at vitamin stores.XI AN CHEN LANG BIO TECH CO., LTD specialize in manufacture alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine powder, we supply hgih quality and competitive price.

Many products containing a-GPC recommend taking the supplement with food to make it most effective.

  • GPC supplements are most commonly used to improve memory and cognitive abilities. It can also be used to improve physical endurance and performance.
  • Most alpha GPC supplements are derived from soybeans, so people with soy allergies should not consume them without carefully checking the label.

Alpha GPC is known to be hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air. For this reason, supplements need to be stored in airtight containers and should not be exposed to air for extended periods of time.

Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine Side Effects

Alpha GPC supplements are generally considered safe and well-tolerated by healthy adults, but side effects may occur in some cases. Possible alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine side effects include fatigue, nausea, headache, stomach upset, diarrhea, heartburn, and nervousness. Some people experience low blood pressure and dizziness after ingesting alpha GPC.

Taking high doses of alpha GPC can be dangerous, so be sure to stick to the recommended dosage to avoid unwanted side effects.


Alpha GPC is used to deliver choline to the brain across the blood-brain barrier. It is a precursor to acetylcholine, it is a neurotransmitter that promotes cognitive health.

Alpha GPC supplements can be used to benefit your cognitive health by improving memory, learning, and concentration. Research also shows that a-GPC helps increase physical strength and muscle strength.

The standard recommended dose of GPC supplements is 200 to 600 mg per day, although research in Alzheimer's disease suggests that doses as high as 1,200 mg per day may be effective and well-tolerated.

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